Este blog es un espacio para compartir la integración de TICs al aula tradicional de Lengua Extranjera- Inglés en la escuela secundaria.Las producciones de los alumnos que se publican son previamente supervisadas por los docentes, pero pueden contener errores, ya que estas producciones son ejemplos del proceso de aprendizaje de la expresión escrita en el aula.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

What would you say about Rosario?

Rosario is one of the most beatiful cities in Argentina.It has a population of over 3.000.000 people and is located in the centre of Argentina, in the province of Santa Fe.It was established in 1852.
It´s a plain and there´s a river.From the riverside you can see Rosario-Victoria bridge. The most important place to visit is the Flag Memorial but there are other places like the Independence Park or just go to Florida beach.
In this popular city there are many different sports to do. You can play rugby, football, hockey, volleyball, golf and many others.There are a lot of discos for young people and if you want to go shopping, there are two really important shopping centres in Rosario.

Lucila Bejer y Santiago De Marco.3ºaño Integral Fisherton
Teacher: Cecilia del Castillo

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