Este blog es un espacio para compartir la integración de TICs al aula tradicional de Lengua Extranjera- Inglés en la escuela secundaria.Las producciones de los alumnos que se publican son previamente supervisadas por los docentes, pero pueden contener errores, ya que estas producciones son ejemplos del proceso de aprendizaje de la expresión escrita en el aula.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Redefining aims for blogging

When I first started blogging, I thought students would love the idea of publishing their production.
I openly invited them to post, but they didn't. I insisted...,but they didn't. They've sent by mail their writing tasks and a few have commented when requested.
So, this year I'll humbly post about applications that can be easily integrated to the traditional EFL classroom.
Here the first examples:
I usually ask my students to design banners with their names for the first lessons. This year I told them to go to There they can find their name or type it to design a logo. Some students designed beautiful logos, printed them and brought them to school. Success!
I highly recommend Larry Ferlazzo's blog for simple ideas.

1 comentario:

Larry Ferlazzo dijo...

Thanks for the recommendation!
