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sábado, 21 de abril de 2007

3ºPol Resumen"Inspirational people"

Material de la página

Ben Saunders holds the British record for de longest solo artic treck. Ben Saunders was born in Plymouth, in 1987. He attended the Chaucer school in Canterbury and later the Royal Military Academy. At 19 years of age he spent four months walking and climbing in the Napalese Himalayas.
On his latest expedition, Ben set out from Cape Articheusky in Northern Siberia.
Four separate and solo expeditions set out in competition, one sadly fatal. Out of the four, Ben was the only one to reach the North Pole.
Ben's experience of those weather conditions was described by Nasa as 'the worst on record'.
Ben became the youngest person ever to atempt an unsupported 'all the way' North Pole expedition, along with fellow Briton Pen Hadow.
8 weeks of skiing nearly 400 miles through icy headwinds and temperatures below - 40 ºC.
At just 26 years of age Ben is considered to be one of the leading new adventurers.
Emilio López Marull- Luciano Pascuali
Colegio Stella Maris-Rosario

Bear Grylls, the youngest Briton to climb Mount Everest at 23.
Everest took ninety days enduring extreme weather, two month of limited sleep and running out of oxygen.
Bear joined only thirty British climbers and returned alive.On the way down, Bear cheated death ice cracked and he fell into a crevasse that was 1.000 feet deep, was knocked unconscious and had it not been for the tenacity of his teammates he would not be alive today.
Bears book, "Facing up", is published under the title, "The Kid Who Climbed Everest".
To cross the Atlantic via the Artic Circle is the subject of his latest book, "Facing The Frozen Ocean".
Two years before he climbed Everest he had suffered a near fatal parachuting accident in Africa.He broke his back, worked hard to regain full mobility and began training for the daunting challenge.
In September 1997, he became the Youngest Briton to climb Mount Ama Dablam in the Himalayas.
He led the first team testing a pioneering new fuel made from rubbish and owns a nature reserve on an island. Bear lives on a houseboat in London with his wife Shara, baby Jesse and Nima the Labrador.
His natural talent for communicating and entertaining on all levels with everyone has made him a popular personality.

Sol Berli- Stella Maris-Rosario